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Local Tax Benefit Review, globally.
About VATITlocal
We investigate various areas of opportunity in Indirect Tax, including Custom & Excise, to identify savings for our clients. Our service lines include the Tax Benefit Review, the VAT Refund Applications, and other savings product services.
Tax Benefit Review (TBR)
The primary objective of the TBR is to identify whether there are any opportunities to reduce the tax liabilities of your organization. The TBR also reduces risk and increases efficiency within your financial accounting system. It could take the form of increasing input tax deductions, decreasing output tax payments and obtaining refunds of interest and penalties previously paid.
The TBR forms part of our core service offering.
VAT Refund Application
We assist Foreign Enterprises to recover South African VAT levied on the supply of goods that are exported.
South African VAT Refund Applications are generally paid out to clients within 8 to 12 weeks from submission, subject to all documentary requirements being met.
Other Services
Our specialists can claim back on penalties and interest charged by SARS, including interest on delayed refunds. Our specialists can realize substantial returns for our clients timeously and efficiently.
Contact us today for a free assessment to identify possible savings areas.
Give us a call today and we will do a free assessment of your business needs to identify potential areas of savings. After the free analysis, we will compile a custom package suited to YOUR needs, including a cost breakdown.
So what are you waiting for?
Did you know that SARS has to keep taxpayers informed during the tax audit? Click here to read more.
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